Q&A: I’m Young and I Want Bigger Breasts…What are My Options?

Hi, how do i get bigger breasts naturally? i am 22 years old and i am asian

As we discuss on the website, there are several methods that you can use to get bigger breasts naturally. Considering your age, you might be a good candidate for bovine ovary – if your body temperature is solidly above 98.2.

If not, you could look into Pueraria Mirifica or a combination of herbs. Just keep in mind that the above three options – ‘though effective – will all impact your hormones to get your breasts to grow. And depending on your hormonal levels, this may be a good or bad thing. If you’re estrogen dominant, you’ll want to stay away from both PM and herbs.

Fortunately, there are also non-hormonal options of getting bigger breasts and these require a bit more “hands-on” work on a daily basis, but come with the perk of leaving your hormones alone. These options are breast enhancement massages and breast enlargement pumps. We suggest reading up on both and combining the two for best results.

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