How to Choose the Best Breast Enhancement Pill

There are countless natural breast enhancement pills on the market today and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer variety of pills.

Don’t let yourself be distracted by the countless variety of brands on the market – remember that pretty much ALL the breast enhancement pills fall under just 3 categories of active ingredients.

It’s simply a matter of choosing the active ingredient that best suits your body and then choosing a breast enhancement pill that has the best quality ingredient of your choice.

Here is a brief and simple guide on how to pick the right breast enhancement product out in the market:

Know Your Breast Enhancement Options

As we mentioned above, pretty much all the breast enhancement pills fall under 3 main categories of active ingredients. These 3 categories are:

1. Herbs

Herbal breast enhancement is what most breast enhancement pills are based on. These products usually contain a variety of breast enhancing herbs which contain high levels of phytoestrogens to supply your body with estrogen – the most important hormone for breast growth. Learn more about herbal breast enhancement here.

2. Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is also a plant, but Pueraria Mirifica differs from the phytoesrogens typically found in other phytoestrogenic herbs because PM contains Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol, which possess the highest estrogenic activity due to structural similarlity to estradiol, the strongest of the estrogen hormones.

In addition to these two potent phytoestrogens, Pueraria Mirifica also contains isoflavones, which also mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. Learn more about PM for breast enlargement here.

3. Bovine Ovary

Bovine Ovary differs from the other 2 active ingredients because it is an animal extract. It’s exactly what it sounds like – ovaries of a cow – and it is based on the idea of glandular therapy, which believes that “likes cures like.”

Bovine ovary works by stimulating the pituitary gland – the part of our bodies responsible for hormone regulation – to stimulate a second puberty and the growth spurt that accompanies puberty. Learn more about Bovine Ovary for breast enhancement here.

Check the Ingredients

Duh, you say. Well, many people don’t and it is so, so important in choosing the right product for you.

Some herbal breast enlargement pills simply don’t contain the most potent phytoestrogenic herbs available on the market. These pills are essentially placebos.

If you’re going to opt for a herbal breast enhancement regimen, it will be helpful to get acquainted with the most popular breast enhancement herbs and their functions in order to know which ingredients you should be on the lookout for.

Another good reason to check the ingredients is to make sure there are no conflicting ingredients and no harmful ingredients for you.

Know Where the Ingredients Come From

It’s often not enough to know what the ingredients are – you’re also going to want to know where they’re from. Especially when it comes to ingredients like Bovine Ovary. In such cases, you are going to be ingesting an animal by-product. Make sure you know which companies use the best quality product – what country do the ovaries come from? How are they harvested? These are important considerations to think about when choosing a breast enhancement product.

This is also the case concerning Pueraria Mirifica. Wild PM is NOT effective – you might as well snort oregano. There’s a huge difference in hormonal content between WILD Pueraria Mirifica and FARMED CULTIVAR. You want to make absolute sure that the pills you’re paying for actually contains the phytoestrogenic content that helps your breast grow. Our top recommendation for 100% pure, farmed cultivar PM is Purafem.

Read the Reviews and Testimonials

Don’t rush to buy the first product with shiny advertisements. Take a little time to read through the company’s testimonials. All the products we recommend on this site have hundreds or even thousands of satisfied customer testimonials and are manufactured by companies that have been around long enough to have such testimonials.

Make sure you know what you’re buying and from whom.

Happy growing!

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