Male Breast Enlargement

In the past, the most common way for a man to possess a pair of full, beautiful breasts was to undergo the risks and costs of breast enlargement surgery. This is still an option today, but the popularity of this risky method of attaining breasts has declined in favor or other options.

It you’re a biological male who dreams of having beautiful, voluptuous female breasts, there are several routes available to take you there. Many of them require some research, some planning, and a lot of gumption.

None of the methods listed below are going to transform a male body into a female body overnight. But regularity and time can produce the breasts you’ve always dreamed of.

Male Breast Implants

male breast implantsOne of the options to quickly get beautiful female breasts is through surgery – as we mentioned above.

We don’t recommend nor discuss this option here for one main reason – we like natural breasts. Call us biased, but hey – everyone’s got their preferences.

Apart from that, we also discourage breast enlargement surgery for men because the treatment is much more difficult for men than it is for women. Men have a significantly less amount of breast tissue to begin with, which makes it much more difficult for a plastic surgeon to find a comfortable place to insert silicone implants into the male chest area. Not to mention, the difficulty in stabilizing the implants into position – without much breast tissue to begin with, it’s hard for male chests to suddenly support large breasts.

Apart from the discomfort, we’re not going to go into the various risks involved such as implant infection, loss of sensation, and of course, the steep price tag associated with implants.

What we will do is outline a few of the other, safer, natural ways of male breast enlargement. We hope you find this article genuinely helpful.

When you begin your journey into male breast enhancement, you may quickly discover that the majority of natural breast enhancement products available to women work for men too. The reason being that men’s breast tissue is biologically very similar to women’s.

The male breasts begin to develop in utero as early as 6 to 7 weeks after conception. Over the next several months, the inner workings of the fetal breast will develop and define. Both genders have identical breast structure until puberty. When puberty hits, the female body produces estrogen and then progesterone – both of which work in concert to stimulate the sexual maturation process. Through this process, the female breasts enlarge and develop for a time period of about 3 to 4 years.

For a man who is looking to enlarge his breasts, there are several natural breast enlargement options available to him. We strongly recommend reading through the available options and choosing one (or combining a few!) according to the sort of changes you’re looking for.

We hope you find the list below helpful! Happy growing!

Herbal Breast Enlargement for Men

herbal breast enlargement for menIf you want to grow breasts, but want to keep your male libido and be able to sustain an erection, then phytoestrogenic herbs are the way to go. Phytoestrogens are simply plant-based estrogens which can be taken to boost estrogen levels in humans.

There are over 300 herbs with phytoestrogenic qualities, but most of them do not contain enough estrogen to produce any real effect. You can find a list of the most important phytoestrogenic herbs for breast enlargement here. Keep in mind that some herbs are important for raising your estrogen levels while some are important because they decrease your testosterone levels. Over time, other changes may occur: a more feminine mood, softer skin, and less body hair are all possibilities.

If you decide to opt for a herbal breast enlargement regimen, we strongly recommend Natureday. Their products contain a mixture of the most potent breast enhancement herbs and on their site you can find as many – if not more – testimonials from male users than female users.

Herbal Breast Enlargement *with Pueraria Mirifica*

pueraria mirifica for male breast enlargementPueraria Mirifica is often classified under herbs – probably because it is a plant. Yet, PM differentiates itself from other phytoestrogens in that it contains Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol. Miroestrol is roughly equal to 17 beta estradiol – the most potent of the estrogen hormones. Deoxymiroestrol is as much as 10 times more potent than 17 beta estradiol and as much as 10 times more potent than miroestrol.

Estradiol is the strongest type of the 3 main estrogens and it is also the main human estrogen which is found in all women who are at the stage of breastfeeding, the time when women’s breasts tend to be at their largest and fullest. Analysis has shown that miroestrol and its precursor deoxymiroestrol has approximately 3,000 times the estrogenic activity of soy isoflavones.

This is why PM – although a “herb” – is in a category of its own. Want to know more about Pueraria Mirifica?

Our favorite PM product at the time is Purafem – their pills are made from high-quality, farmed cultivar PM root and are 100% Pueraria Mirifica – see their products hereUse coupon code CR10 for a 10% discount!

Bovine Ovary for Male Breast Enlargement

bovine ovary for male breast enlargementBovine Ovary is exactly what it sounds like – ovaries from a cow.

When taken orally, the BO works in the human body by gradually re-stimulating your body’s natural growth hormones.

In men, BO causes a process called aromatization where the body converts testoterone into estrogen – resulting in the estrogen levels of biological females. Eventually – in about 6 months – BO causes the male body to reprogram the way it processes hormones.

BO is permanent and incredibly potent. This is only an option for men who are positive they want to become female. Along with enlarging your breasts, BO leads to a more complete feminization – your hips may become wider and rounder, your moods may change, you might even smell different! Here’s what you must know about using bovine ovary for male breast enlargement.

Much like with Pueraria Mirifica, it matters where you get Bovine Ovary from. Not for matters of effectiveness, but for safety reasons. We’re talking animal by-products here – cow, to be specific. We only recommend ONE brand of Bovine Ovary for this reason –  Swanson’s Raw Ovarian Glandular. We used to recommend Transfemme, produced by the same company that makes Bountiful Breast, but due to chronic issues with their business practices – we’re no longer recommending them at all.

Swanson’s, by comparison, isn’t just another breast enhancement company – they’re a long-standing producer of vitamins and natural supplements and their bovine ovary pills are just as good quality as Transfemme’s, being made from Argentinian cattle according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified laboratories in the USA.

Breast Pumps for Male Breast Enlargement

best breast pump for breast enlargementBreast enlargement pumps operate through a process called tissue expansion: By applying a gentle suction to the breast tissue, you are able to promote blood flow and tissue growth. This causes stretching of the skin and tissue and as a direct result of that, new tissue grows and breast size increases. The breast enlargement pump expands the mammary gland tissue to increase the production of new breast tissue cells. Check out our best Noogleberry tips!

Breast pumps are great for men because even if you have practically nothing to begin with, the pump expands your breast tissues until you do. Noogleberry is a great breast pump – you could probably grow a boob on your thigh if you felt so inclined.

The pump does take dedicated and time, but it is a highly effective way to increase your breasts naturally – without having to mess with your hormones at all. You can read our full review of Noogleberry here.

Or learn more about a few other top breast pumps for breast enlargement.

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