Why and When Do Boobs Stop Growing?

Half the population has them but almost nobody knows the answers to basic breast questions like, why do breasts stop growing? And more precisely, when do boobs stop growing?

It’s a pretty common phenomenon. So no wonder breast size is such a big source of confusion and worry amongst women. There is always that nagging thought at the back of a woman’s mind if her breasts are big enough, small enough, taut enough, perky enough, and on and on it goes.

The urge to compare cup sizes makes it understandable we panic when they feel like they’ve reached the peak of their breast growth, and sometimes this panic can result to taking drastic measures to attain our desired cup size.

If you’re familiar with the plight of the flat-chested, you definitely understand the temptation to go for quick short cuts such as going under the knife for breast implants. But before you consider cutting yourself open for bigger breasts, it’s vital that you understand exactly how natural breast growth works.

When Do Boobs Stop Growing?

Do breasts really stop growing at a certain point? Is there anyway to jumpstart growth even years after puberty? Well, let’s find out, shall we?

There just might be hope for you to finally fill in that coveted bikini. The first sensations of growing breasts occur when girls hit puberty, usually at an average age of 9 to 14 years old. For the first time, estrogen is released into their system and bring with it a host of bodily changes, including breast growth.

Aside from the feminine curves they produce, the breast growth actually signifies the development of milk ducts to ready a woman’s body for child bearing. In some rare cases, puberty might also hit at the later age of 18 or more. After the first signs of puberty, the growth spurt for the breasts would usually last five to six years before they plateau to a more or less consistent cup size.

During the puberty years there are also other factors that tend to affect your final cup size. Heredity can be a culprit of breasts stopping growth prematurely. If genetics dictate that you’re entire family is flat as a board, don’t hold up much hope for a voluptuous figure. Sure, there are exceptions to genes, but these are pretty rare.

To a lesser extent, nutrition also comes into play. Do not underestimate the role that real foods with real nutrition provide to your body and breasts and try to get into the habit of eating healthy (lay off the sugary stuff – one of the biggest culprits of stunted breast growth!) and take multi-vitamins to make sure that the body has what it needs to produce essential hormones.

When it comes to eating for bigger breasts, there are some foods that are more breast friendly than others – check out what to eat for bigger breasts!

Already passed puberty but your breasts still leave much to be desired? Don’t worry! Here’s a little secret, technically speaking, breasts never really stop growing over our whole lives. While we may no longer expect a drastic increase in breast size similar to puberty, changes can still occur due to a number of external circumstances.

Medications such as birth control pills, hormonal stabilizers and the like can cause a jump in breast growth since these hormones regulate and increase the production of estrogen in the body. Certain supplements and foods can also cause a minimal increase in breast size, but hey every bit counts right?

Weight fluctuations, no matter how subtle or drastic the weight loss is, can still affect the physical appearance of the breasts. Losing drastic amounts of weight for example can lead to a flatter chest simply because breasts are technically fat cells that can be replaced by muscle during exercise.

On the other hand, weight gain, can also increase cup size marginally, but this is a slippery slope because it’s rare to just gain weight in the breasts and not anywhere else. Chances are the small increase in breast growth you experience would be coupled with flabbier arms and some extra luggage around the belly.

Pregnancy can also bring out the busty girl in almost anyone. With all the hormonal changes going on in your body, breast growth is a very common side effect. Couple this with your body readying itself to produce milk for the baby, and you are guaranteed a set of bigger boobs for at least nine months to a year.

The bad news is that this growth can sometimes be temporary, but there are some reported cases of mothers maintaining their pregnancy cup sizes, especially when they become pregnant a few consecutive times.

But you don’t have to gain weight or become pregnant in order to get the breasts you want. There are a number of tried-and-tested natural breast enhancement options that will increase your breast size in a matter of months. If you don’t have a problem with taking pills, check out our guide to the best natural breast enhancement supplements.

If you’re averse to taking pills, remember that your skin absorbs what you put on it and opt for a potent breast enhancement cream instead. And of course – don’t forget to massage and maybe even use a breast enlargement pump. These methods are completely natural, non-hormonal and proven to increase breast size – as long as you commit to doing it on a regular, consistent basis.

Happy growing!

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